Irivenir, tiene los colores del cielo el sol el pasto y lo dulce de las frutas, un cuadro con mentalidad energética minimalista directo a la vista y la reducción del stress.
Un canvas de 80x80cm con base black brillante, y una extensión de energía que va y viene sin parar, parte de la idea de la energía universal que esta en todos lados y nunca se agota
In all my paintings I use a layer of Colloidal Gold, Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Copper, at the same time I add Ormus which is the mineral extract of seawater. Since for years I worked with elements alchemy and managed to create colloidal gold at its best. These types of bases create an incredible energy field on the web.
You can feel the place where the picture is located leaves a special energy.
I hope you love it, I hope you want to paint and create as it happened to me ... I hope you can appreciate the simple things in the world and be a very happy person.